---- 2015
1115 HeptaLink, Hong Kong

09-11 Wolf+Lamb, NY

---- 2014
---- 2013

1003-25 Tournament, NY

08 AirShipOne, NV

0610 Starfish, NY
0525-0818 Nexxt, NJ
0307 Bracelet SxSW, TX
---- 2012

11-12 Rafale, LA

10 RRC, NJ
0914 Wolf+Lamb, NYC
0825 Drop, BRC
06 ACR, NJ
05 Country Club, NY
05 BLB, NY
0419 Blue Man Group

0308 Cockpit SxSW

0308 Starfish SxSW

0303 GT Blow, NYC

0101 Starfish, NYC
---- 2011
0830 Drop, BRC
0830 Cuddlefish, BRC
0806 Cuddlefish, Hamptons

0310 Cuddlefish SxSW

---- 2010
1201 Drop, Miami
1023 RRC Show, NJ
1009 StarFish PDF, DE
0915 Blow LV, CA
0901 Drop, Nevada
0901 CuddleFish, NV
0718 Secret Garden, UK
0704 CuddleFish, PEX
0619 Opulent Temple, NYC

0612 Figment, NYC

0320 Matelasse, NYC
---- 2009
---- 2008
---- 2007
---- 2006
---- 2005
---- 2004
---- 2003
---- 2002
---- 2001

Texts & Drawings

Note: Dimensions are approximate.

White Dunk Bubble for nike.png

Event: White Dunk Show
Venue: TBA, Tokyo, Japan
Date: 20040115 - 20040125

Five presentation rooms. Each room houses 2 white iron tables (3.60 x 1.20 m), with 3 or 4 artpieces on each table plus one white wooden cube with plexiglass top and neons inside.

Option 1 (above) is based on a 3 x 3 matrix of interconnected rooms and corridors. A less ambitious but similar design was previously used for the Mothership. The five presentation rooms include the four corner spaces plus the central courtyard. This courtyard is technically outside the bubble but it is defined by the walls of the four corridors. From the inside, Option 1 feels somewhat like the Rhizome bubble although the black plastic makes it darker. The two doors (main entrance and access to the central courtyard) are made of translucent vinyl. They look like this.

Surface (square feet): 5000
Overall dimensions (feet): 70 x 70
Material: 4 mil black opaque plastic.
Assembly (estimated): 20 hours, 4 persons
Installation (estimated): 30 hours, 4 persons

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