---- 2015
1115 HeptaLink, Hong Kong

09-11 Wolf+Lamb, NY

---- 2014
---- 2013

1003-25 Tournament, NY

08 AirShipOne, NV

0610 Starfish, NY
0525-0818 Nexxt, NJ
0307 Bracelet SxSW, TX
---- 2012

11-12 Rafale, LA

10 RRC, NJ
0914 Wolf+Lamb, NYC
0825 Drop, BRC
06 ACR, NJ
05 Country Club, NY
05 BLB, NY
0419 Blue Man Group

0308 Cockpit SxSW

0308 Starfish SxSW

0303 GT Blow, NYC

0101 Starfish, NYC
---- 2011
0830 Drop, BRC
0830 Cuddlefish, BRC
0806 Cuddlefish, Hamptons

0310 Cuddlefish SxSW

---- 2010
1201 Drop, Miami
1023 RRC Show, NJ
1009 StarFish PDF, DE
0915 Blow LV, CA
0901 Drop, Nevada
0901 CuddleFish, NV
0718 Secret Garden, UK
0704 CuddleFish, PEX
0619 Opulent Temple, NYC

0612 Figment, NYC

0320 Matelasse, NYC
---- 2009
---- 2008
---- 2007
---- 2006
---- 2005
---- 2004
---- 2003
---- 2002
---- 2001

Texts & Drawings

Note: Dimensions are approximate.

Atomic Sky for Gen Art

Event: Gen Art Fashion Show
Venue: Shrine Expo Center
Address: 700 W 32nd Street, Los Angeles, CA
Date: 20030404

Six circular inflatable structures used as giant lights set in circle about 10 feet above the dance floor. Each structure is attached from the ceiling and can be used as a screen for slide or video projection. The lights set-up inside each element are sequenced and can be "played" live.

Detail of the core - Overall design - Animation (990K)

Surface (square feet): 3600
Overall dimensions (feet): 60 x 60
Material: 4 mil white opaque plastic.
Assembly: 8 hours, 4 persons
Installation: 8 hours, 4 persons
Volume flow rate (CFM) per element: 3000

The three bubbles on the entrance side of the hall can be used as screens for projections. The projections would be visible from across the hall. White images (logo, names, designs) on black background are best for a clean effect. Content could also include photos/videos from the fashion show and from the guests entering the building. Video and/or slide projectors are attached to the edge of the mezzanine and a central projector sits on a 14 foot pedestal in the center of the space, behind the runway wall.

In collaboration with Leo Villareal.

The Space:

Floor plan and renderings by A MObiUS design:



The Party:

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